Integrative Sexual
Health & Wellness

Integrative Sexual
Health & Wellness

Specializing in sexual wellness, menopause and hormones, pelvic pain, low desire and arousal, sexual recovery after cancer, Sexually Transmitted Infections, gender affirming care and help in maintaining sexual vitality throughout life.

Dr. Dacker’s unique approach to health incorporates pleasure as an important aspect for healing trauma and illness. In addition to practicing medicine, she specialize in teaching a sex positive approach to sexually transmitted disease, is the creator of the STARS Talk framework for intimacy communication, and works toward incorporating sexuality into primary care through educating health care providers on sex-positivity. In addition, she hold workshops on consent and sexual communication geared toward young adults to help reduce sexual assault on college campuses.

Integrative Sexual Health

Wellness Practice New Patient Request Form

Integrative Sexual Health

Wellness Practice New Patient Request Form

  • Certified in Functional Medicine through the Institute of Functional Medicine.
  • Board Certified in Holistic and Integrative Medicine.
  • Graduated with Honors from Case Western Reserve School of Medicine.
  • TEDx Speaker
  • Board Member of Something Positive For Positive People

Active member:

  • International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health
  • National Coalition for Sexual Health
  • American Academy of Family Medicine
  • Kink Educated and Aware
  • Non-traditional Relationship Informed
  • Gender Inclusive
  • Trauma Informed
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